Earth, Environmental and Resource Sciences Program
The Department of Earth, Environmental and Resource Sciences offers Bachelor of Science degree programs in Geological Sciences, and Environmental Sciences in conjunction with faculty from the Biological Science and Chemistry departments.
Undergraduate Geology, Environmental Science, and Geophysics Coordinator: Ignacio Ronquillo, M.Ed.
(915) 747-8027
Graduate Program Director: Dr. Marianne Karplus
(915) 747-5413
To facilitate the progress of students, every student will follow a degree plan for their major or minor in Geological Sciences. Each semester, every student is advised of his or her courses and progress to completion with the department advisor.
The College of Science holds each semester advising workshops and compliance agreements to ensure every student, every semester is knowledgeable in his or her student responsibilities and secure student success.
Please click on the links below to view degree responsibilities:
Credit Hour Requirements
The undergraduate degree is 120 credits with 37 being upper-division credits. The student should complete Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é Core Curriculum courses before reaching 90 hours or Junior standing. Each degree in the College of Science and in Geological Sciences has a sequence of courses that are followed and earned with a “C” grade or better (see C Rule in the catalog).
Senior Thesis Option
Every undergraduate has the opportunity to complete a Senior Thesis and is optional. The guidelines and requirements are administered through an agreement with the Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é Honors Program, a department faculty member, and the student. The Honors Senior Thesis may include: an extensive research paper, a lab research project, a creative piece or a community service-learning project; all dependent on the guidance of the professor.
Please visit their website to answer application requirements, deadlines, and special graduation designation questions, please click on the link below:
Fast Track Option
Undergraduate students have an opportunity to apply for a dual-credit graduate program through the Graduate School. There are designated courses that count toward both your bachelor’s degree and a graduate degree here at UTEP, for this to apply; you are required to be a Fast Track student. To meet requirements to apply, you need to earn 90 credit hours and 24 of those at UTEP and have a GPA of 3.5 or better in the College of Science. This program is a great way to get ahead in your graduate studies and graduate sooner with your Master’s degree. For more information, please click on the link below:
Progress Reports
In addition to the degree plan, there are four-year major maps that you can follow as a guideline through your college undergraduate career, please click on the link below to view:
Faculty, advisors and you monitor your progress…ultimately, we want you to succeed and know that there are resources to help you while working towards your graduation.
The Miner Learning Center (MLC) in Prospect Hall rooms 301, 321, & 322, provides assistance in challenging core-curriculum class sections in to improve academic performance, please click on the following links for information:
The Math Resource Center for Students (MaRCS) provides walk-in tutoring for all undergraduate mathematics courses in Library 218, please click on the link below for information:
For all other tutoring services, please click on the following link:
We welcome you here at UTEP Geological Sciences, and see you this next semester!